18: Q&A for You & Your Valentine || Questions for Deepening Intimacy in Partnership

Episode #9

We created a fun Valentine’s Day podcast, where we share our answers to the following questions about one another and invite you to answer these questions about your love/s, yourself, or anyone you feel drawn to.

  1. What are 2 traits your partner embodies that inspire you a lot? Give an example of how these traits show up.
  2. Name a big challenge you saw your partner rise to and transform through that you loved witnessing them in.
  3. What 1 thing do you find challenges you the most about your partner? 
  4. How does that challenge help you grow?
  5. Name one way you would personally like to show up differently or evolve moving forward in your relationship.
  6. Name one way you would like for your partner to show up differently or evolve moving forward in your relationship (focus on an area that you think would benefit them was well as you).
  7. What’s one of your partners favorite ways of being loved on/seen/cared for and how do you love helping them receive that love? 
  8. What’s one way your partner has helped you become more of the being you want to be?
  9. Any last words of love or appreciation you would like to share about your partner?


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Bridgette Wolleat Bridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health. https://www.instagram.com/bridgettewolleat/ https://www.bridgettewolleat.com/

Brittany Taylor Brittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment. https://www.instagram.com/simpleliving13 https://www.brittanytaylor.co/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPb1u0enYdvp5JsHPcIku1A