12: Four Years of Partnership- From Codependence to Interdependence
We just celebrated our 4 year anniversary! As a tribute, this podcast is focused on the major shifts in our relationship over the years - what it looked like then vs. now and what inspired the changes. We share about what has been effortless and what has been challenging. We share about the fiery start of our connection, the depth of love, where we were thriving and where we were hiding. We share about the trauma bonds that developed between us, how they came to a breaking point and what the turning point was for us that helped us make an epic shift into the safety and depth of interdependence.
Interested in Coaching with Us? Email us for a free 30-minute session Bridgette: [email protected] Brittany: [email protected]
Find Us Online
Bridgette Wolleat Bridgette is a holistic health practitioner and nutritional therapist and specializes in auto immune, hormonal imbalances and digestive health. https://www.instagram.com/bridgettewolleat/ https://www.bridgettewolleat.com/
Brittany Taylor Brittany is a life coach specializing in relationships and individual empowerment, focusing on finding internal and attracting external alignment. https://www.instagram.com/simpleliving13 https://www.brittanytaylor.co/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPb1u0enYdvp5JsHPcIku1A