5: Are You Eating Enough? Signs + symptoms that you could be undernourished

Season #3

In this episode, Bridgette shares about the most common signs and symptoms relating to not eating enough food or being under-nourished.   It would shock most people to know that this is the most common root cause I see in my functional nutrition practice. Thanks to diet culture, we are constantly bombarded by messaging of eat less and move more, "eat clean", cut out this food to heal your body and people are more confused then ever on what to eat, how to eat and the best ways to nourish their bodies. Often this leads to a lack of proper nourishment and the effects over time can show up as hormonal imbalances and auto immune issues. I encourage everyone to listen to this episode, even if you feel that you have body fat to lose and especially if you are feeling tired, sluggish, inconsistent in your mood and having a hard time achieving your goals and showing up for your life despite how hard you try.

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