6: Challenges and Celebrations in Our Partnership - real and raw check in

Season #3

In this episode, we get real with you, sharing current celebrations and challenges in our partnership. For some time we have had a regular (usually weekly) check-in with one another. In this episode we share the details of our check-in ritual with you as well as doing our check in live with you. We share about a challenge that is alive for us at the time of recording and gain deeper understanding of one another and ourselves. We share what we are celebrating/appreciating in our relationship, acknowledging what we are really loving about one another and our relationship and life in general at this time.

Want to dive deeper into your partnership? Check out our relationship course. https://www.mylivingembodied.com/closer-relationship-course  

Follow us on Instagram and YouTube 
Brittany Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simpleliving13/
Bridgette Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bridgettewolleat
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPb1u0enYdvp5JsHPcIku1A