Season 2
E33: End of Breastfeeding Ilya at 4-Years-Old - Long Term Breastfeeding - Weaning
A few days before Ilya's 4th birthday, our breastfeeding journey together came to a close. It has been a month since and in today's podcast, I reflect on that transition, including a transition to stop nursing...
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E32: What Is Freebirth & Wild Pregnancy and Why I choose Them
Over the past 4 years since free-birthing my child, I have received a lot of questions about my freebirth and wild pregnancy. I have shared my birth story, both the actual birth as a video, and my birth story on...
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E31: How Our Family Navigates the Holidays | Christmas, Santa, halloween, candy
In this episode, I share about how we navigate the holidays - with a young child, as health-conscious beings, as an atypical/poly family, and beyond. I share about how we navigate Santa and Christmas songs about...
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E30: Long-Term Breastfeeding My 3.5-year-old On Demand
In this episode I share about my experiences with breastfeeding my child on demand for the past 3.5 years. I share about long-term, ie natural term or full-term breastfeeding, why I choose it, and my philosophies...
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E29: Intuitive Eating and Reparenting How I Eat as an Ex-Vegan and Ex-Dieter
It has taken me 34 years to learn what my child was born into this world knowing: how to eat intuitively. And honestly, I am so darn proud of myself! Coming from a lifetime of dieting and body image struggles, I...
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E28: Ilya's Bedtime Routines + The Importance of Routine for Kids
Rituals root us. Having solid, consistent, nurturing routines that we perform every day creates the rhythms we need for healthy development. We thrive when we have that ideal balance of certainty and uncertainty,...
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E27: Parent-Child Positive Touch: How We Touch Our Children Matters A Lot
How we touch our children matters a lot. From the very first hands that are felt by a newborn child, to the loving embrace we share with them as adults, they are receiving powerful communication signals, information...
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E26: 3 Years Postpartum
It's been nearly 3 years since the birth of Ilya Greyfox and the start of my life as a mama and all the epic shifts that have come with it. Listen in to hear me share about how my body, business, heart, and...
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